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Up From The Earth is a community driven organization made up of volunteers connecting excess produce from home and community gardens to people in need. This program encourages and supports home gardeners to plant,grow and share their produce (fruits and vegetables) and facilitates it’s gathering and distribution to people in need through our existing pantry system. 


Need - In our community one in six adults and one in five children are food insecure,defined as not knowing on a regular basis where their next meal is coming from, and this translate to over 12,000 individuals locally.


Existing Pantries - Up From The Earth is connected with some 40 existing community food pantries and collection sites, and offers support on many levels. From providing free vegetable seeds and seedlngs to pantry guests to delivering freshly harvested produce. And recognizing all of our food pantry and Food bank of Siouxland staff and volunteers for their dedication,time and efforts in serving our food pantry guests.


Excess Produce - Since UFTE’S beginning in 2014 and in the last nine growing seasons, UFTE has facilitated the planting,growing,harvesting and distribution of over 190,000 pounds of fresh produce to our local food pantry system, and that translate to about 585,000 servings. UFTE EXTENDS A SINCERE AND GRATEFUL THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR COMMUNITY GARDENERS, PRODUCE CONTRIBUTORS AND VOLUNTEERS IN MAKING THIS POSSIBLE .



Click on the green box to sign up and help.  (Link will take you to SignUpGenius in a separate window.) Someone will be in touch.

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Locations of food pantries and fresh produce collection sites are listed by areas in Siouxland.

       Morningside, Nebraska, Northside, Sergeant Bluff, Westside/Midtown

  All locations listed accept fresh produce donations and please call before to confirm times.

D - Drop off sites     P - Pantry locations   

D&P - accepts drop off produce and operates a pantry

Color Code for Days of the Week

Monday – Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday





Community Action Agency of Siouxland (D&P)

Pantry 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday

Call first!

 2700 Leech Ave. (712-274-1610)


Grace United Methodist Church (D&P)

9:00 am - Noon   Monday & Wednesday

This pantry can be used one time per month.

1735 Morningside Ave. (712-276-3452)


Morningside Lutheran (D&P)

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Tuesday

10:00 am - Noon  Wednesday

700 S. Martha (712-276-2511)


Redeemer Lutheran Church (D&P)

Pantry 9:00 am - Noon  Friday

3204 S. Lakeport (712-276-1125)


Rustin Avenue United Methodist Church (D&P)

Sonshine Food Pantry

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Thursday

2910 Leech Ave. (712-276-3395)


St. James Methodist Church (D)

9:00 am - 1:00 pm Monday - Friday

Use parking lot door.

2032 S. Cypress (712-276-2667)


St. Luke's Lutheran Church (D&P)

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month

2039 S. St. Aubin (712-389-6424)


St. Mark Lutheran Church (D)

9:00 am - 1:00 pm Monday - Thursday

5200 Glen Ave. (712-276-2418)


Southern Hills Baptist Church (D&P)

Pantry 10:00 am - 11:00 am Thursday

Call ahead

4301 Old Lakeport Rd.  (712-203-7175)


Sunnybrook Community Church (D&P)

Sunnybrook Hope Center

11:00 am - 1:00 pm Tuesday

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Thursday

5601 Sunnybrook Dr.. (712-276-5814)


Woodbury County Extension (D)

Call first

4728 Southern Hills Dr.  (712-276-2157)


Dakota County - Nebraska


Dakota City Fire Station (P)
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm 4th Thursday of every month

Contact Dakota City, City Hall

208 S. 21st St, Dakota City (402-987-3448)


First Lutheran Church (P)
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month
3601 Dakota Ave., SSC (402-494-5461)


Nebraska Extension - Dakota County (D)
8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Thursday

Brenda Sale or Tammy Peterson 

1505 Broadway, Dakota City (402-987-2140)


Northeast Nebraska Community Action Agency

9:00 pm - 4:00 pm Monday - Friday (D)
8:30 am - 4:00 pm Monday - Friday

(By Appointment only)
This pantry is available up to 3 times per year for emergency food needs only.

2120 Dakota Ave., SSC (402-494-8312)

Siouxland Community Health Center of Nebraska (Central Hub) (D)
8:00 am - 4:30 pm  Monday - Friday  

3410 Futures Drive, SSC (Bobbi Culbertson 402-412-7242)


St. Paul Methodist Church (P)
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 2nd Friday
of every month

2003 A St., SSC (402-494-4138)






Blessed Sacrament Church (D)

Call first (Carole)

3002 Jackson Street (712-281-0599)


Family Worship Center (P)

10:00 am - Noon  3rd Saturday of the Month

1315 Indian Hills Dr.. (712-258-0270)


First Lutheran Church (D&P)

9:00 am - 11:30 am  Wednesday

3939 Cheyenne Blvd. (712-239-3942)


First Unitarian Church (D)

Call first

2508 Jackson Street (712-258-3116)


Support Siouxland Soldiers

Visit website for schedule

First Congregational United Church of Christ

4600 Hamilton Blvd. (712) 239-3385


St. John Lutheran Church (D&P)

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the Month

Iowa Residents Only

2801 Jackson Street (712-277-3945)


Sergeant Bluff


Sgt. Bluff Food Pantry (D&P)

8:00 am - 11:00 am 3rd Saturday of the month

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm the following Tuesday

Sgt. Bluff School District only

Bluffs Area Family Community Center

903 Topaz Dr., SB (712-943-5800)


Westside and Midtown


Agape Garden (D)

Call and ask for Michelle

15th & Silver St. (712-301-4808)


Augustana Lutheran Church (D)

600 Court St.  (712-255-7694)


First Angelical Free Church (D&P)

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Last Tuesday & Wednesday of the Month

401 9th St. (712-255-7239)


First Presbyterian Church (D)

608 Nebraska St. (712-255-8919)


Food Bank of Siouxland (D)

Call first

1313 11th St. (712-255-9741)


Gospel Mission (D&P)

9:00 am - 10:30 am  Monday - Friday

500 Bluff St. (712-255-1769)


Mayflower Church (D&P)

9:00 am - 10:30 am  3rd Saturday of the Month

1407 W. 18th St. (712-756-4456)


Midtown Family Center (D&P)

9:00 am  Last Thursday of the Month

3:00 pm  Second Friday of the Month

1221 Pierce St. (712-224-3363)


Radiant Life Community Church (D&P)

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm  3rd Thursday of the Month

2410 West First St. (712-259-3090)


Salvation Army (D&P)

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm  Monday - Friday

Call ahead

1415 Villa Ave. (712-255-8836)


Siouxland District Health Department (D)

Call first

1014 Nebraska St. (712-279-6119)


Soup Kitchen (D)

Use back door and ring doorbell

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm  Monday - Friday

717 W. 7th St. (712-258-0027)


St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church (D&P)

10:00 am - noon  Monday

406 12th St. (712-258-0141)


Trinity Lutheran Church (D)

1122 Jackson St. (712-258-0519)

Our work


The leadership team developed a program to encourage local farmers and gardeners to "grow an extra row". Produce is taken from the designated collection sites to local food pantries who have storage to distribute it to their guests.


To date, almost 40 local churches and organizations have helped close the gap between fresh garden produce and tables of those in neighborhoods in need. Each collection site has appointed a Garden Produce Coordinator to be a point person. The GPC works with gardeners to collect and deliver produce to local pantries for families in need.


Up From The Earth is thrilled to report that after 9 growing seasons, a total of over 195,000 pounds have been collected.  That is equivalent to 585,000 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables have been shared with those in need in our community.



Randy founded Up From The Earth in 2014.


He entered the Iowa State Extension Master Garden program in 1993.


Randy is past food pantry manager and present volunteer at First Lutheran Church.   He is a recipient of the American Red Cross's Heroes of the Heartland award in 2016 as well as a recipient of the Certificate of Achievement for Exceptional Volunteer Service by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 2018.


He is a retired dentist and has been an avid gardener for over 40 years.



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Ron has a BA from UNI in Education and MA from  the University of Iowa in Educational Administration.

He is a former teacher, coach, Jr./Sr. High Principal and a retired VP at American Pop Corn Company,

He is a former volunteer activities includes Plymouth County Extens
ion Board Siouxland Center for Active Generations Board, and a session member First Presbyterian Church.


He is a Master Gardener and enjoys golf,  duplicate bridge and especially

spending time with his 10 very busy grand kids (all in Sioux City).


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Stacie has a passion for speaking and leadership. In 2014, she joined the John Maxwell Team and is a certified John Maxwell speaker, trainer and coach. She worked alongside John Maxwell and his team in March of 2018 in Costa Rica; helping train leaders in their government, educational system and businesses.


Stacie is the owner of the Siouxland Magazine and especially enjoys empowering  and contributing to organizations that focus on the environment, holistic health, and suppliers of fresh local produce, as well as those open to expanding their creative and innovative boundaries.


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Pam is a gardener and a professor emeritus of   business from Morningside University.


Her love for communication and gardening has helped connect Up from the Earth with advertising students.  Her doctorate is from Oklahoma State University, Masters from Arkansas State, and Bachelors from Henderson State University. 


Pam is a Iowa State Master Gardener Intern - and should complete her training in 2023..  She and her sister host a weekly Live  Instagram show called Live with Pam and Paula. where they share favorite family recipes, cooking from the garden, and tips preserving garden produce.



Jenny is a retired kindergarten teacher and has been a Master Gardener since 2006. 


She is actively involved in volunteering in the community through Up From the Earth, ISU/Woodbury County Extension, and school gardens most recently teaching School Gardens 101. 


Jenny consistently works toward the mission of connecting extra produce from home gardeners through our collection sites getting fresh produce to those in our community affected by food insecurity.

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Mark joined Up From The Earth in 2017 after retiring from 35 years at Mercy Medical Center as Manager of Neurophysiology/Sleep Lab. 


He has been a Master Gardener since 2003 and likes to try at least 3 unique and different veggies each year. 


He works as the mascot for Up from the Earth and also answers to the name "Zucchini Guy".


The Zucchini Guy brings joy and great gardening advise wherever he goes. 

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Brenda works in education for the University of Nebraska Extension in Dakota County. She has been employed with the University for 21 years and provides educational outreach to low income and at risk families.  


Brenda is the project coordinator for the Voices for Food project which collaborates with Up From the Earth to collect and distribute produce to families in need.


The Voices for Food project aims to create community engagement in food security by connecting stakeholders and human services agencies with limited resource families in a collaborative effort in Dakota County, Nebraska.



Lisa is an ISU/Woodbury County Extension Master Gardener and community volunteer. As a NATA Certified Athletic Trainer and former high school teacher, she continues to seek understanding of the impact of food insecurity affecting students both in the classroom and after the bell. 


Through Up From the Earth, Lisa can combine her passions of gardening and education.  She enjoys working with kids, expanding learning opportunities, and nutrition.  She is active in DKG, the South Sioux Cooperative Learning Garden, and the Sioux City Garden Club.  



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